Why eat grass fed and pasture based meat?

Eating local, grass-fed meat has a wealth of advantages over other types of meats, consider the following benefits of grass-fed and pasture raised meat.
–Grass-fed meat promotes the conversion of hundreds of acres of industrial grain fields into permanent pastures that reduce soil erosion, improve water quality, and boost plant diversity. According to a study by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Land Stewardship Project, pastures have 53 percent greater soil stability, improved passage for runoff, and less nitrate pollution from groundwater than corn and soy fields.
–Polyculture—an agricultural system that promotes nutrient recycling by incorporating native species and reducing fertilizer use—enhances the productive capacity of agricultural land. Small, family-run businesses, such as Joel Salatin’s Polyface Farm, demonstrate that sustainable farming can be very successful: Salatin’s 100-acre farm produces 40,000 pounds of beef, 30,000 pounds of pork, 10,000 broilers, 1,200 turkeys 1,000 rabbits, and 35,000 dozen eggs each year. All of that on ground that wouldn't grow 50 bu. acre corn (if that doesn't strike you as amazing, your probably not a conventional farmer).
–While animal advocacy and other groups are concerned about the suffering of animals raised for human consumption, the grass fed meat produced from pasture-raised animals typically comes from small-scale farms, where farmers practice better animal welfare standards than large factory farming operations.
–Meat produced from grass fed beef it is typically leaner and lower in fat than grain-fed meat, and studies have shown that grass-fed animals have higher levels of vitamin A and E and omega-3 fatty acids, which reduces cholesterol and high blood pressure. Frances Robinson, author of “Pasture Perfect,” states that switching to grass-fed meat will save American consumers 16,642 calories per year.
–Small-scale livestock farms have shown that raising grass-fed livestock provides a balance between ecological and economic benefits. This can save farmers from paying thousands of dollars for feed grain, and the pastures easily recover if they are not overgrazed. The key is to not over graze, something we have failed to do in the past.
–Consumers of locally produced grass fed meat lend a hand in building their economy, for the money they spend stays within the community. According to a report by the University of Essex, this ensures that farmers keep at least 80 cents for every dollar consumers spend, for local grass fed meat eliminates the high advertising and transportation costs associated with commercial livestock farms.
–Grass-fed meat promotes the conversion of hundreds of acres of industrial grain fields into permanent pastures that reduce soil erosion, improve water quality, and boost plant diversity. According to a study by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Land Stewardship Project, pastures have 53 percent greater soil stability, improved passage for runoff, and less nitrate pollution from groundwater than corn and soy fields.
–Polyculture—an agricultural system that promotes nutrient recycling by incorporating native species and reducing fertilizer use—enhances the productive capacity of agricultural land. Small, family-run businesses, such as Joel Salatin’s Polyface Farm, demonstrate that sustainable farming can be very successful: Salatin’s 100-acre farm produces 40,000 pounds of beef, 30,000 pounds of pork, 10,000 broilers, 1,200 turkeys 1,000 rabbits, and 35,000 dozen eggs each year. All of that on ground that wouldn't grow 50 bu. acre corn (if that doesn't strike you as amazing, your probably not a conventional farmer).
–While animal advocacy and other groups are concerned about the suffering of animals raised for human consumption, the grass fed meat produced from pasture-raised animals typically comes from small-scale farms, where farmers practice better animal welfare standards than large factory farming operations.
–Meat produced from grass fed beef it is typically leaner and lower in fat than grain-fed meat, and studies have shown that grass-fed animals have higher levels of vitamin A and E and omega-3 fatty acids, which reduces cholesterol and high blood pressure. Frances Robinson, author of “Pasture Perfect,” states that switching to grass-fed meat will save American consumers 16,642 calories per year.
–Small-scale livestock farms have shown that raising grass-fed livestock provides a balance between ecological and economic benefits. This can save farmers from paying thousands of dollars for feed grain, and the pastures easily recover if they are not overgrazed. The key is to not over graze, something we have failed to do in the past.
–Consumers of locally produced grass fed meat lend a hand in building their economy, for the money they spend stays within the community. According to a report by the University of Essex, this ensures that farmers keep at least 80 cents for every dollar consumers spend, for local grass fed meat eliminates the high advertising and transportation costs associated with commercial livestock farms.