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Heritage Breed Animals

We sell products that come from: Dexter and Red Devon Cattle, Large Black and Red Wattle hogs, Bronze Breasted Turkeys, Heritage lambs, goats, and other Heritage animals. What we raise isn't the question that pops up the most, it's why Heritage Breeds, and what is a Heritage Breed animal?
Heritage Breeds are the traditional livestock breeds that were raised by our forefathers. These are the breeds of a bygone era, before industrial agriculture became a mainstream practice. These breeds were carefully selected and bred over time to develop traits that made them well-adapted to the local environment and they thrived under farming practices and cultural conditions that are very different from those found in modern agriculture.
Why do we raise Heritage Breeds? First is for the taste, nothing tastes better than heritage animals, they win taste tests hands down every time without question. Second is for the preservation of the breeds. Mono-cultures are extremely dangerous and right now we seeing the adverse affects that they play in society. The need for livestock conservation is urgent. Throughout agricultural history, each generation has taken its turn as steward of the genetic trust. Our generation is now in danger of bankrupting this trust and leaving little for the future (Livestock Conservancy). Each day, some breeds move closer to extinction. Each extinction reduces the diversity within the livestock species and the biodiversity of the Earth, "...when the last individual of a race of living things breathes no more, another Heaven and another Earth must pass before such a one can be again."
-William Beebe. Lastly we chose the breeds for diversity, most of our breeds are dual purpose, meaning they can be used for milk/meat/oxen, eggs/meat, etc. They are not specialized in one aspect of production, making them very useful in more than one way and also very hardy.
We sell "consumer direct", which means that it goes from our farm to your plate, there are no middle men involved. We raise the animal from start to finish, either solely on grass (ruminants) or supplementing with non-GMO/organic grains (Pork and Poultry).
If you are interested in purchasing meats from us please go to the contact page and fill out the form. Please include your name and phone number, what you are interested in. If you are not sure what to order or how, don't worry, we can help you with that :)
Heritage Breeds are the traditional livestock breeds that were raised by our forefathers. These are the breeds of a bygone era, before industrial agriculture became a mainstream practice. These breeds were carefully selected and bred over time to develop traits that made them well-adapted to the local environment and they thrived under farming practices and cultural conditions that are very different from those found in modern agriculture.
Why do we raise Heritage Breeds? First is for the taste, nothing tastes better than heritage animals, they win taste tests hands down every time without question. Second is for the preservation of the breeds. Mono-cultures are extremely dangerous and right now we seeing the adverse affects that they play in society. The need for livestock conservation is urgent. Throughout agricultural history, each generation has taken its turn as steward of the genetic trust. Our generation is now in danger of bankrupting this trust and leaving little for the future (Livestock Conservancy). Each day, some breeds move closer to extinction. Each extinction reduces the diversity within the livestock species and the biodiversity of the Earth, "...when the last individual of a race of living things breathes no more, another Heaven and another Earth must pass before such a one can be again."
-William Beebe. Lastly we chose the breeds for diversity, most of our breeds are dual purpose, meaning they can be used for milk/meat/oxen, eggs/meat, etc. They are not specialized in one aspect of production, making them very useful in more than one way and also very hardy.
We sell "consumer direct", which means that it goes from our farm to your plate, there are no middle men involved. We raise the animal from start to finish, either solely on grass (ruminants) or supplementing with non-GMO/organic grains (Pork and Poultry).
If you are interested in purchasing meats from us please go to the contact page and fill out the form. Please include your name and phone number, what you are interested in. If you are not sure what to order or how, don't worry, we can help you with that :)
Ordering info
"Imagine if we could eat every meal knowing these few simple things: What it is we’re eating. Where it came from. How it found its way to our table. And what it really cost. If that was the reality, then every meal would have the potential to be a perfect meal." - Michael Pollan
Please enter your information on the contact page for pricing and availability.
Heritage Beef taste test -
Heritage Pork taste test
Grass Fed BeefWhole, Half, or Split Half
For a diagram of different cuts: Most of our beef is from the Dexter breed of Cattle, but because of its limited availability and the large demand for beef we also raise larger breeds of cattle. Discounts available for whole beef purchases. |
Pastured Pork
Large black and Red Wattle pork - Whole or Half
For a diagram of cuts: Our pork is supplemented with non-GMO and soy free feed. Red wattle is also featured in the Slow Food USA's, Ark of Taste. |
Pastured TurkeyBronze Breasted Turkey - Please reserve your Turkey for Thanksgiving sooner rather than later.
Pastured Chicken
White Broilers - For large orders please call or email and reserve your order.