What is considered expensive? Is it expensive to pay for something up front, or is it expensive to pay a little up front and more long term? Let me explain: people are always taken aback at the price of good wholesome food, "why is it so expensive" is a question that i once used to ask, that was until i discovered the True cost of food. The so called cheap food is insanely expensive, yes, at the store it is seemingly cheap (or it used to seem so), but in reality the true cost is not reflective on the price tag at the store. The conventional crop is subsidized +$, the land takes a hit because conventional farming practices degrades the soil +$, then leaves it open to erosion +$, the processor then takes more subsidies +$, then takes out what good qualities are left in the food +$, which takes away from our health +$. All of these and more (lots more not linked or stated) are causing your cheap food to be the most expensive food you can buy, most just don't see it because its spread out over so many different areas.